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Noisy  people 


Nothing to complain about and everything to look forward to

 Meet the family


 Brian Damage  

So this is Brian, our founder and Instigator. He has been affectionately known as Damage from and early age, mainly due to his ability to fall out of trees, taking that dodgy ski line and his talent at crashing mountain bikes at high speed. Brian spent many years wandering about in the Sahara Desert, mainly with bizarre and sometimes creepy geologists, nomads and other vagabonds.  

Dream a lot, believe and they will come true. 



 Napalm Naz  

This is Naz, Noisy Budgie's very special Master Brewer, Distiller and fellow "FUTURE" believer. Naz's previous career and work experience is shrouded in mystery. We are extremely confident, about 23.4%, that he is from North Korea. He claims that his parents were physicists from Tobermory on the Isle of Mull, West Scotland, but we dont buy that one! However, no matter where he is from, Naz knows a thing or two about breweries. He is producing the most marvelously crafted beers imaginable.


 Jim Peach 

This is Jim and he is also fairly uneven.  Until recently, Jim was working for a Major U. S. broadcaster specializing in bogus propaganda and was instrumental in the birth and the spreading of Fake News. However, after he was exposed in a Zimbabwean Government sting operation, a career change was essential. Following a short period in hiding, he re-emerged with an unstable weakness for craft beer and cocktails. Luckily for Noisy Budgie, we found him first!     


 Connar Crafty 

This is Connar the Crafty! He is our unofficial guinepig, erm sorry taster. Don't worry though, Connar is never harmed in any way during the tasting of our beers. He continues to work with us on a consulting basis, where his expertise, and more importantly, capacity are very much desirable and to a certiain degree, merchandisable! Connar also operates a consultancy firm specialising in drinking games and volumetric consumption.


 Dave the Controller 

This is Dave. Dave likes grass. Cutting it, rolling it - you know grass stuff. He is very un-uneven! Rational and impartial. Objective and Reasonable. Dave is the real organiser, controller, arranger and planner. With military style precision, things that only he knows about that needs sorted out are organised and completed. Even the things that don’t need sorted out are sorted out. Dave also like cricket. He claims that he is a Fast Outswinger, but we dont know about the fast or the out. 

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